Linde Green: Pioneering liquefied gases without carbon footprint
Take the next step! Linde Green is an opportunity for you as a customer to further reduce your emissions, strengthen your sustainability profile and become an even fairer choice!
Sustainability is at the core of our business. Every day, we live our mission of making our world more productive and more sustainable, doing more with less. Now, we take the next step and proudly present Linde Green, our new product portfolio of liquefied gases without carbon footprint, using renewable energy and fuel in production and for transports, together with climate-compensation.
In a Nutshell
All you need to know about Linde Green.
✓ Same product quality and reliability – without carbon footprint
✓ We use renewable sources: air or recovered CO2, e.g. extracted as a side stream from bioethanol or
chemical processes
✓ Only renewable electricity is used in the production of Linde Green gases
✓ Transports to customers initiate the purchase of renewable fuels in the distribution system
✓ Linde Green is audited and verified by a third-party
✓ Customers receive an annual certificate showing reduced carbon footprint